Brisbane City in the Sun

This video has done the rounds recently but I had to share it as well.  Some of it is so quaint and funny - enjoy!

A Year of Sky on Earth

A History of the Sky from Ken Murphy on Vimeo.

Check out this amazing video of the sky from the same place, taken every day for a year.  It's so interesting to see the different sunset and sunrise times throughout the seasons.  Read more about it here at NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Seeing Saturn

On Saturday night, I saw Saturn and it's rings through a telescope for the first time.  It really was an amazing experience seeing the elongated rings around the planet, tiny as it was.

It has reminded me how much I want to check out the Brisbane Astronomical Society and go along to one of their public viewing nights (number 5 on my list).

19 July 2013 was 'The day the Earth smiled', whereNASA's Cassini (a spacecraft that is currently orbiting Saturn), turned it's camera on Earth and took a photo of Saturn and it's rings with Earth in the background.  There were lots of events around the globe to celebrate this fun, slightly arbitrary day, but the photos that resulted are really quite amazing.

Photo of Earth from Saturn.  Image from NASA's Photo Journal.

Is Ryan Gosling cuter than a puppy?

Well, it's not a cat tumblr, but it is really cute.  Is Ryan Gosling cuter than a puppy? is soo funny, and so cute, and it's almost Friday :)

Return to blogging

I had taken an unplanned break from blogging, but am back to give this regular blogging thing another go.  Without going into too much detail, essentially I've been the burning the candle at both ends and had way too much on my plate.  I've cut back but also created a thirty before thirty list to help me out.  The list can been seen here.

And, to ease myself back into blogging, I have a series of cat themed posts planned for the week :)
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