
Wiksten-made has posted about this wonderful knitted hat and scarf set that I want to make so badly.  I can knit, it's more that it takes me a million hours to do a tiny square.  I tried to set it up so my knitting bag would be in the lounge so I would knit every time I watch TV but I ended up just watching TV.  Maybe I should give it another go.  I am so excited for winter, rouging up in warm wools but realistically it is still Feb in Brisbane and It will be hot and humid for another couple of months.  I can't even bring myself to put on a pair of jeans.  Maybe this will give me time to knit, before it gets cold??

Wiksten-made post here.


  1. I like your thinking Lilly. And I wish I could see the scarf more clearly. Looks very nice.

  2. Maybe we could have a knitting and TV day one saturday?

  3. Definitely, maybe when it's colder??


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