Felty Goodness

It seems that felt is all the rage at the moment but it's a bit too hot outside to think about so I'll have to remember these ones for winter time.  From etsy.com.

Felt Cozy by Argyle St

Indie Rock Colouring Book

Now this news is a little old, I received my order in the mail 2 apartments ago but still would like to share it with all of you.  May I Present "The Indie Rock Colouring Book".  Featuring some of my favs like 'The National' and 'Broken Social Scene' and 'Bon Iver', why not bring Indie rock to the colouring in crowd?  Proceeds of sales go to the Yellow Bird Project and the charities and projects they support.  I really like the style of the illustrations and might have a go at something similar myself.

Jimbobart Hand Painted Plates

Check out these gorgeous painted ceramics from Jimbobart on etsy.  These animals have so much character!

Nailing Your Wife

And lastly, before a call it a night, here is a very funny clip called 'Nailing Your Wife' done by PG Porn, staring Nathan Fillion (of Firefly and Castle fame).  Now don't be alarmed by the title - it's essentially a porn script without any actual porn.  Enjoy.

Colour Pendant

A nerdy colour wheel pendant from Yellow Owl Workshop

New Blog Love - (never home)maker

So I just found a great new blog called (never home)maker which has lots and lots of yummy recipes (that are often of the vegetarian or vegan variety)  that are accompanied by lovely food shots.  As an example of the great baking it featured '12 Cookies of X-mas' for the 12 days of Christmas.  It also has a lot of fitness/running features, make sure you check out the video of the snow-shoe running which is quite a novelty for someone who lives in Brisbane, Queensland. via frankie

Drawing Sites

So again, my lovely sister has put me onto 2 great drawing sites.

The first one iSketch is basically an online version of pictionary, you choose a username (don't need to sign up or have a password), and then choose which 'room' (Easy English, Easy Animals etc) and then just type in guesses till it's your turn to draw.  It's incredibly fun and addictive so beware!

The second site is called Harmony and is a great way to draw electronically.  I found it responded really well to the pressure on my graphics tablet and also shaded really well.  You can change colours and type of drawing (sketchy, shaded, chrome, etc) and is really great for an internet program.


So I'm just testing to see if my blog now links with my Twitter Account.  Find me @lillyborchardt

James Blake

Have discovered a new artist who I really like called James Blake via Black Eiffel.  Here is his cover of Feist's 'Limit To Your Love'.  Enjoy.

Floods and New Things

So, the floods in Brisbane over the past few week or so were pretty devastating but the community response was pretty amazing with so many volunteers helping each other out.  I took a few good photos but somehow it just seems disrespectful to say here look at these cool photos of other people's misery.  I might post a few of the lighter ones once they've been downloaded from my camera.  There's one of a cat crossing the road to check out the street flooding and another of a boat which ended up in the middle of a football field.  For now though, here's what I'm found this week:

-A great new (to me) blog from Angela Hardison.  Her photos are really lovely to look at, very white and clean and open.  After last year's stubble with my photography subject I am determined to spend more time working on composition and lighting and having fun so that when the next photography subject rolls around in term 2 of this I don't feel like I'm fighting the process.  Anyway, here is an example of her photos from her blog about a 50% raw food diet she is trying.

-A site called printeresting which is fairly self explanatory
-The Hungry  Workshop a letterpress printers (and blog) based in Brisbane (who thankfully survived the recent floods)
-And lastly,  looking at the upcoming events that DIA are hosting this year.  There are a few breakfasts and things on but honestly feeling a little nervous showing up by myself.  The downside of studying an online course in another state is that all my peers don't live anywhere nearby.  One of the points of these events is networking though so maybe I should just bite the bullet.

Weekly Wrap Up + Moving

So a few of these links aren't exactly new but I still wanted to share them with you.  I'm still catching up on all the things I've wanted to blog over the past few months!

Great Moments in Lego from the Gaurdian.  My favourite is the Lego business cards for Lego employees!

A Very Creative Proposal from Turn Olympus to Atlantis Blog.  I really love this!  Everything from the illustration to the folded design and print, definitely one of the most creative ways to propose I have ever seen.

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