The Cat Scan

To continue my cat-themed, Christmas week, I thought I would post a few photos from The Cat Scan. Kitten toes are so cute!

Pattern Wednesday #8

Happy Boxing Day!

Harriet Gray has long been one of my favourite illustrators (you can find her herehere and here). Her pattern work is quite mesmerising and I really love the hand-drawn aesthetic. She also includes kittens and pugs in her patterns, how could you go wrong?

Cat vs Dog

A fun video for Christmas Eve.  I love the part where the cat slaps the man to wake him up, so true to life :)

Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Friday viewing with the great Neil deGrasse Tyson.  StarTalk is such a great show, I'm so glad they turned it into a YouTube series!

If Fonts Were Cats

So I know this has done the rounds a few times but I love it.  A few of my favourites are below but you can find all of them here.

Pattern Wednesday #7

So I've found a new supply of pattern resources (and how to guides) over at Pattern People.  They have a whole range of downloadable patterns here including illustrator versions but I had a hard time trying to find us usage age terms & conditions.

I love the random & repeatable nature of their 'Crystal Web' pattern but my favourite would be the 'Cross Stitch' Pattern.  Images via Pattern People, Enjoy!

Architecture for Dogs

Have a look at this awesome site featuring architectural plans for dogs that you can print out and make yourself.
My favourites are the Pug (by Kengo Kuma), the Beagle (by MVRDV) and the Dachshound (by Atelier Bow-Wow).

White Sangria Popsicles

The Olé tapas bar in Southbank serves the most amazing white sangria which is perfect for this time of year but you know what's even better?  White Sangria Popsicles.  Recipe can be found here over at The Weekend Edition (which I highly recommend subscribing to for a what's what in Brisbane).

Pattern Wednesday #6

A busy week full of Christmas parties and Astronomy study hasn't left much time for pattern making but I did manage to make one.  It is based on a Japanese fabric design and feels a little Christmasy to me :)

Our observable universe

While I have always been fascinated with astronomy, I find that reading astronomy facts is quite different from experiencing them.  For example, the Sun is approximately 150 million km from Earth; I know what the Sun looks and feels like to me on a daily basis, but that number, 150 million km, doesn't mean much.  Similarly, the fact that we are on a planet orbiting a star, in a solar system which exists as a tiny part of a galaxy, is something I know intellectually.  As much as I experience what life is like for me on my piece of Earth, I don't really know what it feels like to be hurtling through space as part of my planet/solar system/galaxy/universe.

I came across these photos by Knate Myers and then this video.  It is one of the most amazing astronomy videos I have ever seen; the images of the Milky Way are breathtaking.  It is so incredible, I feel like spamming everyone I know saying: "YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!"  It allowed me to experience those facts that I have learnt about, to see what it looks like to spin on a planetary axis in space, and to feel like I'm a part of this galaxy.

Skylights - Timelapse Film from Knate Myers on Vimeo.


The Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) is back for it's 7th installment at QAGOMA, APT7. APT is one of my favourite exhibitions and I hang out for it every 3 years.  There is an opening 'up late' night this Saturday, 8th December, which I am so looking forward too.  More details here.

Australian PM address for the End of the World

Loving the commitment to the message. Who knew the Mayans (and that awful '2012' movie) were right?

Introduction to Astronomy

I've started a Coursera course in Introductory Astronomy last week and so far I am thoroughly enjoying it.  Some of the images shown in the first lecture were absolutely amazing, but it soon descended into a lot of math (which I'm actually enjoying).

Andromeda Galaxy (M31) by R Gendler

Pattern Wednesday #5

Last wednesday I posted some patterns that I had done as part of a Nicole's ClassesMaking A Pattern class.  For the second week of the class, I produced some more interesting and complicated patterns.  For these patterns, I used the Dovera Pictura book 'Islamic Design' for inspiration.  

The first pattern I tried I ended up re-doing about 3 times as it was really hard to make it symmetrical but I figured it out eventually after much cursing at the computer.  For the second pattern I chose a slightly simpler design to give my eyes and frustration level a break!

Pattern #1

Pattern #2

Stylish Brisbane

Loving this photo blogThe Stylish Image, featuring snaps of the stylish people of Brisbane & also love recognising all these places in our city .  Who knew we had so many good looking people?

All images via The Stylish Image.

Eat Drink Awards 2012

The EAT/DRINK awards for Brisbane were announced last week on The Weekend Edition.  So many of my favourites were acknowledged.  Congratulations to The ScratchSouthside Tea Room and all the other winners.  I'm always looking for a new place to have breakfast so I will have to try out Willow & Spoon!

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